Quezada Architecture (QA) was founded in San Francisco in 1994 and has been designing award-winning projects for clients committed to design and sustainability. For the past 28 years, we have focused on design excellence and the thorough project management and administration that makes that excellence possible. We deliver value by being highly-agile to meet each project’s distinctive needs and provide the right talent for our client’s vision. We prioritize building strong relationships with our clients, and we take our fun very seriously.

Our winning couture runway look from IIDA SoCal's 2022 Haunt Couture - inspired by Queens of Hip-Hop

Holiday Party 2022

Office Volunteer Day - QA Adopted part of Highway 101

Dogs, dogs, and more dogs

Visiting our team at UCSF Parnassus Big Room

The team at IIDA SoCal's 2022 Haunt Couture with our sponsors,
Bluespace Interiors
Bluespace Interiors

IIDA Honor Awards 2022

The annual White Elephant Gift Exchange, Holiday Party 2022

A little rain won't stop us from a site visit

Participating in the Leap Sandcastle Classic - we won 2nd place (Silver Shovel) in 2022, working with Element Structural Engineers (WBE/MBE), Cahill Construction (WBE), and Commodore Sloat Elementary 5th graders

When in San Diego, why not take meetings from a boat?

A post-clean up happy hour never hurt!